Upcoming Book/Bible Study

When: Sunday’s at 9 am starting on March 9th (6 weeks)

Where: The Ladies Parlour at the church (behind sanctuary)

Why: To grow closer to God during the season of Lent

Who: Everyone is welcome to attend.

Books will be provided. Please let Rev. Sean (sacpc@gmail.com) know if you would like to attend by Tuesday March 4th. Rev. Sean and Joe Ottenhof will be facilitating the discussion

Join The Tech Team

St. Andrew’s-Chalmers Tech Team is looking for a few more volunteers.  No experience necessary.  If you are interested, please speak to Rev. Sean Astop, or to Brenda in the church office.

Community Lunch

Community Soup Lunch is a community mission that is held in our building. It is held weekly, Wednesdays from noon until 1pm. Various community groups, including ourselves, take turns hosting a lunch that consists of soup, bread and butter, dessert with coffee and tea.
The focus of the lunch is to provide an affordable lunch and social visiting. Patrons pay what they can on a donation basis with all proceeds going directly to the local Loaves and Fishes Foodbank.
The coordinator is John Gould
If you are interested in getting a group together to host a lunch get in touch with John at 647-525-4753 or uxbsouplunch@gmail.com

Adult Sunday School

There will not be an Adult Sunday School Class on Sunday, December 3rd. There will be classes on December 10th and 17th, continuing with the study theme: Christmas in the Home.

Then classes will resume on January 14th, with a new series.

Everyone welcome.

Coffee Hour

Join us for Coffee Hour and Fellowship, immediately following the service on Sunday mornings, in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday School

There will be no Sunday School during July and August; however there are activity kits on the table as you enter the church for children to do during the service.

Sunday School will resume on September 10th:
10:30 AM Children’s Sunday School

To all our children have a wonderful and safe summer and looking forward to seeing you in the fall.